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How To Get 3X More Leads & Clients in 2023 with FB Ads (A Guide for the inexperienced)

July 08, 202310 min read

I’ve been managing some “big budgets” for businesses in the range of $300,000-$400,000 per week Ad spend…

And have also been getting a-few-month-old brand new businesses off the ground with tiny budgets in the range of $100-$200 per day…

If you’re in the mood for a 2000 word guide, this post will certainly add a lot of value to your business.

From my observation - there’s a LOT that people get wrong when running FB Ads… I thought it’d be great to have you start the year with some good tips (..and help you make some money)

If you’ve never run ads on FB before this will be a great post for you…

And if you’ve been losing money on your ads, this will definitely help you out…

Biggest sticking points…

The biggest problem for most business owners running ads will be junk leads and/or lack of sufficient lead flow to be profitable…

Another problem usually is excruciatingly high cost per lead & cost per appointment - to the point where it’s just not economically viable to keep running your campaigns.

And the third big issue I see people having is, getting their pages, BMs and accounts restricted/banned…

So you get cornered and you feel like, ultimately, there's no hope.

If you’ve ever given up on FB due to these issues above… I’ll give you my solutions and you should see success.

It mostly comes down to understanding the “fundamental structure” of how to set up your FB ecosystem so everything flows smoothly, and you get the results you want.

I’m close to $20M in total spending so far, having managed hundreds of accounts in over 3 dozen industries - it’s safe to say I’ve encountered all possible issues - and there’s always a solution.

Fundamental structure…

Your page, ad account, profile and BM everything goes hand in hand…

Quality score across all these assets matter a lot, and you need to first understand how all of these assets tie into each other.

It all begins with your profile/or personal account.

Imagine you have a brand new profile and you create a BM, an ad account and start running conversion ads from a brand new page you just created - that’s a strict NO NO and you’re obviously going to get restricted right away…

There are occasions when certain accounts slip through the cracks, but as an all encompassing rule of thumb - you have to be careful of “how-you-act”

They are looking for legitimacy. Period.

(I will get to the juicy parts like campaign structure, budgets, and methods to get high-quality impressions - but first some general housekeeping)

Housekeeping- Here’s my step-by-step on how to build up your assets the right way:

1) Healthy personal profile is mandatory. Use your real name. Have some real friends. Get some healthy activity up on your timeline. It’s literally non-negotiable. If you’re trying to be anonymous - FB is not for you (go to Twitter & Reddit).

2) Create a FB Business Page with your real business name. Add a phone number. Add a working email. Make sure you add some valuable (yet compliant) posts on your business page.

3) Boost a few good posts for $5. Start a Page Like campaign at $5/day. Let the traction build organically on your page- they like to see that. Do not ever buy engagement from 3rd party panels. Ever.

As your page is getting likes from your likes campaign make sure you continue to post on your FB page 2-3 times a week.

After 7 days or so you’d go create a BM. You’ll import the ad account you used for your boosts, inside the BM, giving the BM ownership of that ad account.

Now, despite doing it this way you might STILL get your page temporarily restricted for verification purposes…

With the ID that you submit, you want to make sure that your name is spelled out exactly like your name in your personal account. Even a single letter amiss could throw them off & you’ll permanently lose your page.

5) Just add all your company & tax details in the business info section - BM verification isn't really necessary at this stage.

By this point your profile should be healthy, your page should be healthy, your page is getting likes (just leave those on until 4-5k likes it helps with CPMs later)..

You’re now good to start advertising

How To Advertise For Maximum ROI…

If you're looking for an immediate ROI on your ad spend, you’re going to need “high-intent” and motivated prospects on a call. That’s who you need to attract.

READ THIS: The biggest mistake I see people make is using the “Lead Forms” objective.

The thing about this objective is, it’s okay for “top of funnel” leads that you will nurture & convert later down the line…

But it absolutely sucks for immediate conversions.The reason being, FB gives you volume at ridiculously low CPMs, so you get very cheap leads.

While CPA is crazy low, so is the quality.

The second biggest mistake I see people make is running “Traffic - link clicks or landing page views” - this is a serious waste of time & doesn’t really do anything for you.

Therefore you need to be running “Conversion Campaigns” if you’re looking for an immediate ROI.

The method I use for this works really really well, but you need to make sure you have an optimized and proven sales process.. And your offer/service demand should be validated.

Here's how you do it:

Let's assume you have your avatar dialed in, you know your market in and out.. your offer is proven, your pricing is on-point.. and fulfillment is stress-free…Now you just need to create sales opportunities and amplify your lead flow.

1. First, write a 1500-2000 word long “Offer Letter” as your landing page. The entire letter needs to be:

  • Exciting

  • Important

  • Beneficial

Your headline needs to speak to the CORE desires of your market and tease your “unique method” of HOW they will get a specific result within a specific time frame.

The letter is designed to do 3 things for the prospect:

  • Heighten excitement & uplift emotions

  • Help see a clear visualization of achieving the desired result

  • Eliminate all possible objections & wash off internal resistance to move forward quickly

Contrary to popular belief you do not need to be an experienced copywriter to accomplish the above.

You just need to really understand your market, really empathize with their struggles, and truly have a skillset that you’re confident will help them - then write about it with passion.

Having copywriting experience or a good copywriter on your team just speeds up the process of going from 0 → 100. You’ll just save time on trial & error that’s it.

2. Make bold claims in your letter - but back it up with proof. As many emotionally charged testimonials & case studies as possible.

Show your prospects what’s really possible for them.

3. Once you’ve got your messaging dialed in, create a funnel around it. Make your letter the landing page.

Add one or two CTAs at the bottom of the page AFTER you’re demonstrated your value proposition (this way you’re eliminating bad prospects), get a good funnel designer to create pages in a color theme that resonate the most with your market. Design is really crucial in building trust & authority - people do judge a book by its cover.

4. Your CTA can be as simple as “Next steps” and can send them to an application form followed by your calendar to schedule a call.

How To Create Your Funnel Sequence…

LANDING PAGE (Offer Letter) → OPT-IN (quick details for follow up incase they don’t apply) → APPLICATION FORM → CALENDAR

5. Set up the Pixel & Conversions Api properly. How your Pixel & Conversions API is set up will be the backbone of your reporting in the Ads Manager.For me, I’ve been getting laser sharp accuracy with our reporting on our topmost prioritized event - Let me explain what that means.

The first step is making sure your domain is verified. You need to verify your domain to be able to prioritize events for Conversions API.Then you need to create a new pixel from the events manager… and you need to use Conversions API.

While setting up conversions API you will have to select the conversion events you want to report data back from - I typically only select 2 or 3 max.

If you’re selling a service and you need leads - only select: Leads and Schedule

Cause you want accurate reporting on how many leads you get, and how many people schedule an appointment.

Then you’d have to select the details that you want your server level API to send back to Facebook..

These are the options you should select

  • Event Time

  • Event Name

  • Client IP address

  • Do Not Hash

  • Client User Agent

  • Do Not Hash

  • ClickID (fbc) Cookie

  • Do Not Hash

  • Browser ID (fbp) Cookie

  • Do Not Hash

  • Email

  • First Name

  • Last Name

After you’ve set up your conversions API details… you need to go back to settings and “Generate Access Token”

You will need to then submit your Pixel ID as well as your Access Token on the backend of your Page Builder - whatever you use to create web pages.

Once you have everything configured, you should run a test for Browser Level and Server level events both

For Conversions API test you’ll have to put in the temporary TEST code that you give you at the back of your web page builder software - and once the test is successful you’ll have to remove that code and save again.

If you set up everything like I mentioned above, you will have really accurate reporting.

It’s now time to run some Ads…

Campaign Structure, Budgets & Creatives…

This is honestly the easiest part.I use a simple campaign structure, and let my copy & offer do the majority of the heavy-lifting for me.

To get started off on the right foot you need:

  • 1 CBO

  • 1 Ad Set

  • 2 Creatives

  • $200/per day budget

Even though it’s just 1 Ad set I’m still using CBO. Or “Advantage Campaign Budget” as they now call it.

No real reason why, but I’ve just seen better results doing it this way.So for your Ad set you want to use up to 2-3M audience sizes.

For creatives: make sure your creatives are square, no text on images, and use images of a person looking at the camera with a pleasant expression (the algorithm will highly appreciate this and result in low CPMs).

For a detailed report on HOW to create ads & campaigns - Read my post here on How 1 CBO on Facebook brings 200+ Leads Per Month & 80+ Qualified Booked Calls

What To Expect…

Typically with a setup like this I’ve always seen these numbers:

  • Avg. Cost Per Appointment = $75 - $100

  • Avg. Cost Per Opt-in - $50

In some instances where it’s very high-ticket ($45k-$60k ticket size… like this screenshot below), the market is very sophisticated & there’s tons of competition…… you can expect CPA to be $300-$400 per call booked.

But what’s important is that “prospect intent” is very high.

If you front-load your funnel with heavily disqualifying bad prospects (which this funnel does) you’re left with motivated prospects who need help now.

Hope you got some value out of this & certainly try it out for yourself & see the results.

Everything I mentioned above is EXACTLY what I've used to generate over $50,000,000 for 200+ businesses in 37 industries... you can read my thread on that here

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