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How to get appointments for $25-$30 Per Call with Prospects That Pay $5,000+ (FACEBOOK ADS)

July 08, 202315 min read

This is a post about how to generate high ticket appointments for ridiculously cheap costs on Facebook right now…

If you’re in the mood to read 3,300+ words go ahead. There’s no TL;DR. This post is only for serious business owners that want to learn how to run profitable Ads.

I’m currently managing between $500,000 - $550,000 per week in Facebook Ad spend across multiple businesses in over 47+ industries…

This works for ALL types of businesses that sell High-Ticket services and products.

Here’s HOW to get High-Ticket Appointments for $25-$30 bucks a call… with prospects that pay $5,000+ in retainers, service fees, consulting - whatever you sell…

That clearly implies that I’m talking about HOW to target people with money…

Not just people with money, but people with a burning desire to buy your products & services…

No matter what type of product or service you’re selling, there are people on Facebook that are “in-the-market” for your help.

I’ve run Ads in almost every niche you can practically think of — from targeting
accredited investors for investment funds, to luxury homes, to enterprise software, to high end home remodeling… all the way down to video & photography studios, web dev shops, production houses etc. etc.

There’s a market for EVERYTHING. And your clients are on Facebook.

The problem is that there is too much garbage being touted by people that have no clue about how the platform works - that leaves you confused and paralyzed as to what to do…

So let me clarify, your clients ARE on Facebook, and you can connect with them for a lot less than you think…

You can generate high quality sales meetings for a lot less than you think…

In fact, you can do it with an extremely simple process that doesn’t require large budgets, doesn’t require highly produced VSLs, or anything time consuming…

And in this post I’m going to show you how. But first understand why most marketing fails.


The biggest disconnect between them (your prospects) and you (your business) lies in not properly understanding 3 things:

  • Targeting

  • Assets

  • Setup

When these 3 things are out of sync, your ads don’t reach the right people, the people reading your ads don’t find them interesting…

And even if you have these two things in order… If your “setup” isn’t accurate you’ll end up seeing extremely high CPMs, very low CTRs and therefore, very expensive clicks…

So either you won’t get any leads signing up to book a call with you…Or you’ll get random junk leads filling up your lead forms.

Here’s what a commonly bad “Lead Gen” campaign looks like:

—> Business owner is new to FB Ads

—> He selects the Leads objective

—> Sets up a Lead form ad

—> Runs generic interests in his niche

—> Maybe runs between $10-$100 a day in budget

—> Gets LOW quality junk leads that don’t pick up

—> Gets frustrated and pauses campaigns after a few hundred dollars spent

—> Then browses all over Reddit and YouTube looking for answers

As I’ve said before, running Lead Form Ads will NOT get you the leads that will buy from you instantly…

The term “LEAD” means a lot of different things in different situations.

  • When someone opts-in for a free lead magnet, that’s a lead

  • When someone fill out a form of any sort, that’s a lead

  • When someone goes to the end of a call booking funnel, that’s a lead

  • When someone watches a 30-min long webinar and fills out an application, that’s a lead…

So just aiming for “Leads” without paying attention to the “Setup” will get you nowhere. You will lose your hard-earned money and get nothing back.

Understand what happens when you select the “Leads Ad” objective using a lead form Ad --> FB shows it to the lowest rung of prospects that just like to get something for free!

That’s why when you run Lead Form Ads, most of your leads are junk. When you call them they either won’t answer or they’ll put it incorrect information.

The reason Facebook does this, is NOT to intentionally hurt you. But FB classifies this type of objective as extremely “TOF Leads” - Top Of Funnel Leads…

These leads opt-in for free information, or extremely low cost information, and have to be further nurtured using Email sequences to eventually get them on a call..

You’ll need thousands of these leads to start building any momentum… And therefore this setup is FLAWED if you want to get leads that will buy from you instantly.


In a nutshell, you use the “Conversions” objective and you follow the exact formula that I’m going to teach you in this post.

If you follow everything I say, your results will look something like this:

Daily spend = $50-$100

Leads = 6-8 per day

Applications = 5-7 per day

Calls Booked = 3-5 per day

Show ups = 2-3 per day (and even 95-100% show ups if you use my warm up protocol)

With numbers like these, off late I’ve been pulling down at minimum $5,000 for every $700-900 spent on Ads.

This will ONLY work IF you have a good offer. I previously written TONS of posts on how to create a high-converting, In-demand that people happily pay $5k+ for.

Again, if you want results like these, remember we need 3 things ON POINT:

  • Targeting

  • Assets

  • Setup

So let’s go over them in detail - here’s how it’s done:

First things first, let’s start with your assets, because that’s the primary driver of the entire campaign.


Your marketing assets include everything you use to run your campaign. Your funnel, your creative, your copy, your landing page, your landing page copy… ALL of these things are your assets.

How do you know what assets to make? Should you make a webinar? Should you make a lead magnet? Should you produce a VSL? What should your landing page consist of?

It’s ASTONISHING how few people think about the nature of their assets, and fewer actually ponder over WHY they are using the assets they’re using…

The nature and quality of your assets will play a crucial role in how your campaign will perform.

In another post I will dive into what assets work best for various offers and niches… but for the sake of this post, I’ll get straight to the point.

Since we’re aiming for High-Ticket Sales right off the bat, the best Funnel asset I recommend is “The Sales Letter” or “The Offer Letter” (that’s what I call them these days)…

A “Offer Letter” is essentially a long-form sales letter (3000-4000 words) that does the job of taking the prospect from being in a “Top of funnel mindset” to “Bottom of funnel mindset”

That means - when the prospect first starts reading the letter, he’s only curious enough about your service…

But by time he’s down to the bottom of the page - his emotions are heightened, he’s very interested, and you potentially have a “hot lead"

At the bottom of the page he first fills up the “Initial opt-in form”… after that he’s taken to a calendar to pick a time & day to speak with you…

After choosing a day & time, he’s then sent to an “Application Form”. The application form is designed in a way to further qualify your prospect on whether he is the right fir for your business…

If he successfully fills out the application form, you now have a qualified appointment booked on your calendar.

The reason why he is qualified is because he first reads about 2000+ words of copy about your offer ONLY then can he even opt-in…

After opting in, he has to fill out an application form that is SPECIFICALLY designed to qualify his motivation level. We are only trying to pull down people with a HIGH motivation level to buy your products.

Now just because he applied doesn’t mean that he’s going to remember the meeting. Most people suffer from ridiculously HIGH no-show rates because they don’t understand nurturing.

You HAVE to nurture your prospect.

I’ve seen the LAZIEST business owners run this funnel, and just sit back and expect the prospect to show up.

Why should the prospect show up? They don’t owe you anything. What are you ACTIVELY doing to excite them about the meeting? What are you doing to even remind them about the meeting?

People would come to me with high no-show rates, and when I look at their backend they have absolutely ZERO SMS reminders, ZERO email sequences, ZERO value..

Here’s how to nurture your prospects who applied to talk to you:

a) First understand, the minute they apply to talk to you, the pixel that captures that data also tells FB this person is “in-the-market” for such & such service..

SO what does FB do? FB immediately shows this person MORE ads from people that are advertising the exact same service as you - your competitors!

Your prospect is not only applying to talk to you, you’re not that exclusive! They’re also applying to other ads they see… so you HAVE to nurture them!

You HAVE to go above & beyond in giving them value EVEN after they’ve booked to talk to you..

This is easily accomplished via backend SMS systems and EMAIL systems with tight copywriting.

b) Secondly, your emails leading up to the call should provide more value. Links to case studies, reports, any free lead magnets… just give them value so they FEEL like showing up to the meeting.

  • My show-up rates are at 95%

  • My clients show-up rates are at 95%

  • Anybody that’ve worked with has high show-up rates…

The only people that have HIGH no-show rates are those that don’t pay attention to backend nurturing.


This is the secret sauce. I’ve been doing this since 2019 and literally is the number #1 reason why my cold prospects turn into 5-figure/per month paid clients.

As soon as they’ve applied, a sales development representative from my team reaches out to them, and warms them up for the forthcoming appointment.

My SDRs give our prospects tremendous value on the phone. They ask them the right questions and they LISTEN to them. Then they give them free advice on the call… and they assure them that this is only the tip of the iceberg - there’s a LOT more to uncover in the forthcoming meetings with our closers…

Once prospects have heard a real human voice from our company, now they’re even more motivated to show up for the call.

Are you doing this? Are you nurturing your leads with value? Are you calling your leads and giving them value? - Ask yourself these questions before asking why they’re not showing up!

This is a hard one to teach… I’m just a naturally good copywriter, I’ve formally studied direct response from the masters… 

Ive studied the greats from Eugene Schwartz and Roger Reeves, to Gary Halbert & Dan Kennedy, and John Carlton to the modern day masters, of whom several are my mentors…

Copywriting is a hard one to teach in a post. That's why I wrote an entire book on how to write copy to get clients…

But here’s a few tips.

Make your Ad Creative extremely compelling by using high-quality visual imagery, and create a Headline inside the creative that stands out using this font: Montserrat Extra Bold…

Your Headline should be based on a “Big Idea” that can tell an entire story of the benefits your product can deliver in 5-8 words. That’s for the Ad Creative.

Ad Copy:
I used to previously write really long form ads… but I’ve seen that shorter form Ad copy does a lot better these days. You need to keep your Ad copy punchy and emotionally compelling. Your copy should target your prospects core desires.

Your copy needs to be exciting, Intriguing AND beneficial for your prospects.

When you’re first starting out, you should make 2 creatives, and you you need to have 1 primary text.

A good book to read to learn the fundamentals of this is: Micro-Script Rules by Bill Schley…

I think this is by far the best book I’ve read on how to write hard hitting copy in a condensed format. And it’s very applicable for writing Facebook Ads copy.


Now let’s talk about targeting. If you’ve got your funnel, creatives and full-copywriting fully built out, and you’re confident that you’re targeting your prospects core desires..

… Now you need to make sure that your TARGET audience is actually seeing your ads.

Now, there’s a lot of debate in this industry about what works when it comes to targeting and what doesn’t.

Some people preach that interests are absolutely useless and you should go wide, some people say interests are still alive and gets them good results.

And if you ask this question anywhere - you’re told to just TEST everything!

So I’m going to do my best to explain to you how targeting works, what I do to target for me & my clients, and how you can effectively target your ideal customers.

1) Broad Vs Interests: It is true that interests are going away by the thousands every month… it is also true that broad works very well. Every media buyer has their own strategies and various budgets that they have to work with..

Everything I talk about is dedicated to a reader-base that has at least $50-$100/day to run ads. If you don’t even have $50 a day to spend on Ads NONE of my methods will work for you..

BUT interests do have their place. You see, broad is great for mass market consumer goods.

When you’re selling a Toothpaste, literally every single human being on the planet needs one. In this case why would you need to use interests?

When you’re selling mass market consumer goods, you should go broad.

BUT we’re NOT selling “mass market” remember? This post is about getting High-Ticket clients - by the virtue of that fact everything we do is niched down to our IDEAL customers core desires…

So if you’re selling specialized nano-technology, or luxury homes, or targeting accredited investors, or annuity insurance how could you possibly go broad?

In one example, I helped an enterprise software consultant target decision makers of mid-sized businesses, and I took his business from 0 to $200k/per month…

There’s NO WAY I could’ve done that by going broad…

So you need to understand the context within which you are advertising.

If you’re advertising a specialized service for a specific niche - you will need to use interests in the beginning.

BUT, you’ll need to insert specific keywords that your marketing responds to, in your Ad copy and creative…

The combination of KEYWORDS in your primary text, your Headline, in your description, in your ad copy AND your Interests - will result in targeting high quality people who need your service.

Here’s a fact: They’re removing interests BUT they’re also adding interests… There are a TON of hidden interests I’ve found that never did exist before, and they randomly popped up last month.

(I’ve been running FB Ads since 2010, so you best believe I’ve seen it all - I’ve been running FB ads even before there was this thing called the FB Pixel)

Having said that, I barely ever use interests anymore - and neither do I go broad. Instead I use a very specialized approach.

Here’s how I laser-target my prospects:

You need a LOT of tech skill for this. And I'd written another post on this But here’s what I do in a nutshell. 

I custom build large lists from running very industry specific CRON jobs. I then encrypt the “targeted” database and send them over to my Ad Account audiences using FB’s API. From there FB matches the database to their data sets - and I get a 60-70% high match rate because of how I scrape my lists.

These lists are SO targeted and big enough to create very high quality lookalikes. I create a 1% US lookalike of this custom list.

And then we get into SETTING UP everything.


This is the easiest FB Ads setup you’ll ever find on the internet.

You see, we’ve put in all the effort into our Offer Letter, Funnel, Creatives, Ad copy…

And most importantly, our targeting…

FB Ads are the easiest thing to setup. And here’s how you do it.

  • Create a conversions campaign

  • Create 1 Ad set

  • Add the custom audience + 1% Lookalike to your targeting

  • If you don’t have access to targeted lists, then use Interests specific to your prospects and narrow them down using filters

  • Incase of interests - keep your audience size NOT more than 3-5M

  • All genders, 18-65+, Advantage+ placements (auto placements)

  • 2 Ads, 2 Creatives, 1 primary text copy

  • Make sure domain is selected and domain events are prioritized (Edit: You are no longer required to select your domain, and you can prioritize beyond just 8 events).

Obviously, you need to make sure your conversions API & Pixel are properly set up. I’ve previously written an entire post on how to set up cAPI properly - you can go find that post on my profile.

If you do exactly what I’ve written above, you should EASILY get prospects on a call that will happily pay you $5,000+ (provided you have a good offer)

This is what you stats should look like:

  • Daily spend = $50-$100

  • Leads = 6-8 per day

  • Applications = 5-7 per day

  • Calls Booked = 3-5 per day

  • Show ups = 2-3 per day

Hope this has been helpful…

Let me know what you’re struggling with in the comments below, and I will help you.

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