
How To Get 50+ Hot Leads & Sales Meetings Per Week Using High Intent Customer Targeting (FACEBOOK ADS)

July 08, 202310 min read

Wanna know how I generate 50+ hot sales calls for multiple business owners & their sales teams every week? Read this 👇

Everything comes down to Targeting.

If you’re running a specialized B2B business, or home remodeling, solar, luxury real estate etc. etc… do you really think you can target broad interests & keywords?

Absolutely not!

The folks that are promoting the “broad targeting” approach in this sub are experts in mass market goods, fashion accessories etc.

But if you want to sell a $20M penthouse… or if you want to sell a 6-figure enterprise software deal… do you really think you can go broad?

There are so many of you running specialized businesses that broad targeting is just not going to work for you…

But interest targeting doesn’t always work great either…

So in this post I’m gonna reveal my secret “custom” targeting mechanism that I’ve been using for over 3 years… and I’ve been getting HIGH QUALITY appointments for $25-$30 per quality sales meeting.

And you can get the same results if you follow everything I've written here.

If you’ve been in this sub for a while… you’ll know that a lot of Business owners, Founders & CEOs know me as the force behind generating qualified sales meetings for “big ticket” products & services… all through Facebook Ads.

Which cannot be refuted considering I’ve produced over $55M in sales for my clients in a short period.

Business owners in this sub have reported TRIPLE growth in net profits simply from reading & applying my posts here on Reddit…

One beginner to Facebook Ads sent me a DM the other day telling me how he signed 3 high ticket clients in just 2 weeks after reading my book…

What most people don’t know is HOW I make this happen using a very simple targeting system, a simple funnel & simple advertising formula.

Nothing complicated about it.

Last month, I launched 13 brand new accounts with no prior advertising history - by EOM (end-of-month) each of them reported an avg. 1000% jump in pipeline value…

EACH of these businesses are talking to MORE prospects than ever before - which resulted in a significant revenue jump.

So, how do I do it? It’s obviously the TARGETING that I was talking about…

But let’s’ go over some fundamentals first! Because nothing can beat the fundamentals…

Once you have your fundamentals in place… we will use my custom targeting method to get you QUALIFIED sales meetings for cheap!

By fundamentals I mean, you need to focus on building TRUST & AUTHORITY upfront.

… so by the time they’re on a call with you, they’re already sold on your service.

People only buy from people they trust..

So essentially 3 things need to happen:

✔️ Weed out bad prospects upfront

✔️ Create trust & establish authority to pull good prospects only

✔️ Scale this lead flow using ads.

We will go over the custom targeting mechanism in this post, be patient!

Let’s just explore the fundamentals of marketing first.


1) Write long form sales letters:

This has been the number #1 weapon in my arsenal since 2019.

From writing sales letters alone I was able to produce $4M in cash for myself…

… and $55M for clients in 3 years.

While the majority of the market uses long-form sales letters to sell low-ticket items… I use them to generate “high-ticket” sales meetings.

And with just $50-$100 per day in ad spend I’m able to pull 2-5 sales meetings per day…

If you can spend $500/day on ads, with my method you’ll be doing 40-50 sales calls per week!

And if your sales process is rock solid with a minimum of 30% closing rate on cold traffic - you could be doing $75,000 a week…

This is the EXACT process I have used to generate numbers like:

$3M/per month net profit for a home remodeling business (with under $1M in ad spend)

$200,000/per month for a software business (with only $7,000 in ad spend)

$12M total investment for a fund (with only $5,000 in ad spend)

$50,000/per month profit for a web dev agency (with only $10k in ad spend)

… and the list is endless.

I use no webinars, no lead magnets, no long-term email nurtures, no low-ticket items, no lead-form ads… in fact, EVERYTHING I do goes AGAINST conventional advice…

… and the results speak for themselves.

I have ONLY used the Sales Letter Method for every single client (and served over 217+ clients)… in 37+ industries…

And it works every single time.

(In the next few days I’ll be writing out an end-to-end training on exactly HOW to write a sales letter for generates mega-profits)

The only substitute for this is a 5-7 min VSL… but if you don’t have rock solid camera presence it’s hard to make this work.. VSLs also take time to build & test.

That’s why we focus on sales letters - Long form being key.

Use timeless direct response marketing fundamentals to educate your prospects & position your offer as a unique solution in the market.

When you use “educational” marketing, you’re not only weeding out bad prospects (people who never take action) but you’re also showcasing your expertise.. This is the foundation of establishing authority.

We call them sales letters- but there’s nothing “salesy” about them at all.

It’s content marketing redefined for “cold traffic ads”.

2) There are 2 elements I use - HOW & WHY:

How your “process” eliminates ALL the problems your ideal clients are having & gets them the results they want..

Why do they need this now more than ever (primarily because nothing like this exists anywhere else. It’s called presenting a “unique mechanism”.

The HOW & WHY is typically called “reason-why” marketing.

Some of the most legendary copywriters in the world have taught me how to do this… but basically, when you use “reason-why” marketing in your ads, your campaigns just become a whole lot tighter, more efficient and WAY more high converting.

3) Build trust & authority:

I then back my claims with high impact case studies & testimonials..

Projecting social proof is key.

You need to write out your case studies in a way that backs your claims & helps your ideal clients see how your process has helped tons of other people.

The minute you add substantial proof to your letters you’re going to get SERIOUS interest from qualified prospects.

The reason why most advertising today fails is because there’s just NOT enough trust.

Lastly, once your messaging is validated you need to start scaling your Lead Flow on FB using a custom targeting framework… I’ll show you how to scale to up to 50 hot sales meetings per day.

Shortly in this post I’ll talk about:

  1. Precise, Laser sharp, high-intent customer targeting

  2. CBOs with hyper targeted Ad sets

Ads are easy. Getting the right offer & message in front of your ideal clients should be your main focus.

And now, for the targeting method…


I will go a bit more detailed here just on the Facebook side of things.

In my previous posts I’ve written about how to create & position your offer… I’ve also written a lot about copy & messaging, how to use that to bring your offer to life etc. etc.

Once you have those fundamentals in place, you really need to focus on buying Ads on Facebook properly.


Now let’s talk about your targeting. How to target your IDEAL customers on Facebook?

Targeting has been a huge issue for advertisers for a very very long time…

Facebook’s greatest asset used to be its ease of laser targeting your prospects..

Unfortunately, this didn’t sit well with the FTC and ever since the Cambridge Analytica scandal FB’s targeting capabilities have been on a downward trend.

They started removing Targeting options by the thousands every single day… then they got rid of “Audience Insights” which used to be a great tool to do market research to target your ideal prospects…

AND to finally make matters worse, Apple updated their privacy policy and ever since they did that, the pixel broke. Which means the pixel doesn’t do any of the heavy lifting like it used to before.


You need to understand how targeting works on FB today…

Most people who will tell you to go broad are only advertising mass market goods like fashion accessories and clothing etc.

But what do you do when you have a SPECIFIC B2B business? Can you go broad?

Absolutely NOT!


You need to use targeting, but interest targeting alone will not work… there is another type of targeting that not many ppl know of.

It’s called Advanced custom targeting based on High-Intent… and this is possible on Facebook too (not just Google)… but you need to know how to use code, and you’ll need FB Developer tools and you’ll need to know how to use the API to send a 2-way sync between your code and FB audiences.

FB still has large data sets that are untapped… (and inaccessible via interest targeting)…

There is a way to scrape members from within FB pages and FB Friends lists.. and create custom audience CSV files…

You then run those custom CSV lists through a software like Sniper Leads - and it will fetch you EMAILS & PHONES of those users, you export that to another CSV file…

Now you’ll have a MASTER CSV list of names, phones & emails of your TARGETED high intent prospects (considering you’ve scraped the right profiles) on Facebook…

Through a software like that it will easily match 90-95% of those users… as the software will ONLY scrape public data sets from FB.

So when you upload this CSV file to your Ad account audience you will now have almost a 100% match rate.

Here’s how I do it:

1) Depending on the niche I’m targeting I will make a massive list of minimum 100k user profiles.

2) Now I have a massive CSV file of 100k+ prospects.

3) You run it through a software like Sniper Leads and it will grab at least 80-90% emails & phones.

If I’m not satisfied with the result I just repeat the process and add more profiles.

Ultimately I am aiming for 100k-200k contacts in CSV list with FB detected emails & phones.

4) You then export this list from the software.

5) Now upload it to your Ad account audiences and you should get a 95-100% match rate.

So now you have a TARGETED list of 100k-200k contacts in your audiences that you can target.

6) Next, I create a 1-2% lookalike audience of this highly targeted list.

Now we have a PRIME audience to target with our Ads.

Targeting is the MOST important aspect that everybody overlooks.

If you’re just stacking your targeting with multiple interests you’re not going to get great results…

I mean you’ll get leads, but they won’t convert very well…

Also your cost per lead & cost per acquisition will be very high.

You need to make sure your targeting is on point.. and for this you can easily use a software like Sniper OR you can just create one yourself…

If you know how to write some code, it’s not very difficult to create a scraping software like this and you’ll be up and running in under 7 days with your new tool.


Once you have your targeting set… and you’ve got a great offer, great copy, great ads etc…

The FB setup itself is very easy… I’ve written a lot on my 1 CBO, 1 Ad Set and 1 Creative system many times before..

Here you’ll see how 1 CBO brings 200+ leads per month!

Good luck!

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